Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has sent us all on a mission. Not only is that mission to “Go out into the world and make disciples… by baptizing and teaching” (Matt. 28:19-20), but when James writes about the difference between doing things for the sake of religion versus true religion that our God finds acceptable, he says:
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world”- James 1:27
Brothers and sisters, the orphans and widows in that ancient culture were those who were marginalized by society. In Frederick County and beyond we have a population of “orphans and widows” of those who are experiencing homelessness and are in great need. In Frederick County alone, at least 300 plus families and individuals are without shelter (Frederick County Department of Housing and Community Development).
At Living Water Shower Ministry we are a group of fellow believers in Jesus Christ on mission. We are on a mission to: Meet people’s greatest physical need so that we can introduce them to their greatest spiritual need in Jesus Christ. Our founding members have all experienced the perils of homelessness firsthand, and have all celebrated radical victories that came in their lives through following Jesus, offered by a helping hand.
Living Water Shower Ministry invites you to prayerfully consider partnering with us in our mission. We have purchased a 6-stall shower trailer from Lang Specialty Trailer to be brought to different locations throughout Frederick County where the population experiencing homelessness would need our services. We aim to offer a warm shower to restore dignity and make a viable connection to the population so that we may introduce them to Jesus. Our vision is to have other services take place while people are using our shower facilities. Volunteer services such as barbers, job placement, clothing distribution, laundry, ministry/Bible teaching, gospel music, and more.
We are asking you to prayerfully consider partnership with financial support and/or volunteer hours to help us fulfill our mission. Thank you for your consideration and God bless!

Tony, Adam, and Sabrina picking up the Shower trailer

Spec Sheet for our Shower Trailer